Surrey Commissioner Lisa Townsend and Deputy Commissioner Ellie Vesey-Thompson joined residents at Shepperton Village Hall on the evening of the 21st November.
Alongside Borough Commander Maxine Cilla, Lisa and Ellie took questions from residents relating to policing and crime in the area. Residents raised issues including burglary, 101 and anti-social behaviour.
Following the meeting, Lisa said,
"It was great to join the residents meeting and have a constructive conversation about how we can continue to support residents on the issues raised.
Recruitment of call handlers for our 999 and 101 services continues to be a priority for myself and the Chief Constable. I encourage residents to call 999 if they are in any doubt at all and to message using the Live Chat function on Facebook, as well as keeping up with all the work done by the local force via Spelthorne Beat (Surrey Police).
You can get a copy of my Police and Crime Plan through the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey website and please don't hesitate to contact my office if you'd like to book into a surgery .
My surgeries are the first Friday of every month over Zoom, and you can book into them by emailing my office at
All political-related queries or queries relating to my work preventing Violence Against Women and Girls should be directed to"